Closure of Aviation Databases and how we can help

We were saddened to hear the sudden news that Aviation Databases, also referred to as AvDb was closing down, we understand this was due to the owners ill health. We have been contacted by a number of spotters who would like to transfer to SpottingLog and if that was possible.

SpottingLog has become a favoured platform for aviation enthusiasts to log their sightings, organise records, and track aircraft they’ve spotted. Transitioning to SpottingLog from other aviation databases can seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps, the process is straightforward and efficient. We walk you through importing your data to SpottingLog and ensuring a smooth migration.

Importing your aviation sightings into SpottingLog is an excellent way to ensure no data is lost, many spotters who have contacted us have nearly 40 years of sightings and they were worried this would be lost or they would need to start again.

We have worked out an import process that ensures no data is lost, all data including aircraft type, registration, serial number, location, date and notes can be imported into a SpottingLog account. To find out how you can get your data imported please contact us and we will send you detailed information and request your AvDb.mdb file.

Whether you’re tracking rare aircraft or building a comprehensive spotting history, SpottingLog is ready to elevate your aviation experience.

Happy spotting!

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